
We are a purpose driven organisation, and set out to ‘make people happy, naturally'.

Sustainability is front and centre in all we do; the wonderment, and cherished memories we seek to provide our guests, is set across a back drop of responsible business practices, careful management of resources, and stewardship of nature. 

There are some things that a few years ago might have been seen as flights of fancy but which today are simple common sense: don’t waste energy; don’t pollute the air; don’t bury all your rubbish in the ground; don’t throw away stuff you or someone else can re-use; don’t buy stuff from a thousand miles away when you can get the same thing or better locally… In short: try not to do anything today which our children will have to pay for tomorrow.

This common-sense approach is at the heart of our commitment to sustainability. We are not perfect, but we strive to learn and share as we deliver on our purpose. We don’t claim to have all the answers, but as far as we can, we walk the walk, as we Make People Happy, Naturally…


Click on the tiles below to find out more about our sustainability journey:

The Bluestone Foundation
Helping people, help themselves